Countries to watch: SLOVAK REPUBLIC


The charm of old Europe in a newly independent European country: no crowds, no slick marketing, no mass tourism. Slovakia is full of history. You will find old castles, chateaux and strongholds everywhere! Proudly standing on rocks or hidden in the woods, they look very romantic and majestic. It won’t stay like this for long…


  • Slovakia is a car-country. With more than 100 cars per 1,000 people they are the largest producer of cars if counted per person.
  • Slovak women marry the youngest (average 24 years old) within the European Union, along with Lithuanian and Polish women.
  • The average Slovakian woman has 1.33 children in her lifetime. This is one of the lowest rates in Europe.
  • For a small country, Slovakia has an amazing number of castles: 300


The most beautiful parts of Bratislava are the Town Hall, St. Martins Cathedral, the Little Blue Church and Bratislava Castle.

The town of silver. People built giant mines there and they used to be very rich. Even today, the town looks exactly the same as a long time ago! The entire town is UNESCO protected.

They were built of wood without using any nails in the 15th, 16th and 17th century. From more than 300 wooden churches there are now only a few left, which are UNESCO world heritage protected.

Gateway to many favourite tours in High Tatras, whose fresh air is known to be curative.

Open-air museum villages scattered all over Slovakia. They showcase Slovakia’s folk history, architecture and life over the past centuries.


  • The highest mountains are the High Tatras – Vysoke Tatry has the highest peak, Gerlachovsky štit, at 2,655 m above sea level.
  • The deepest and biggest lake is Vel’ke Hincovo jazero in the High Tatras at 53 m.
  • The biggest cave complex is Demanovska jaskyna in the Low Tatras.
  • The largest castle complex in the Central Europe is Spišský hrad in East Slovakia with more than 41,000 m2.
  • The biggest European river island with 132,612 ha is situated in Southern Slovakia and is called Žitný ostrov (The Rye Island).


  • Taste “Slovenska Bryndza” – a Slovak national food speciality made of sheep cheese and with its trademark registered within the European Union.
  • Taste a mix of white and red Slovak wines coming from the warmer southern regions, covering Malokarpatska, Juznoslovenska, Nitrianska, Stredoslovenska, Vycholdoslovenska and Tokajska.
  • Cruise on a traditional flatboat on Dunajec from Cerveny klasto in the Pieniny mountains. Pienniny are an ideal destination for kayakers and a paradise for cyclists.

Slovenia vs. Slovakia. These two countries have been mixed up since their independence. Slovakia was a part of Czechoslovakia and gained independence in 1993 when separating from the Czech Republic. Slovenia declared independence from Yugoslavia in 1991. Both countries are members of European Union since May 2004.

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A long time congress tourism addict, Gorazd has many years' experience in creating, planning and organizing large congress projects in cooperation with some of the most respected institutions in the region. He is an accomplished advisor for marketing success in corporate events and congress centers and the owner of Toleranca marketing agency. Gorazd has established himself as the founder and editor of Kongres Magazine and the co-creator of Conventa Trade Show.